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The French government liquidates the concert season

France, fifth country in the world for coronavirus infections - more than 1,000 cases and 19 dead - has begun to follow the Italian way to contain the epidemic and has banned the concentrations of more than 1,000 people except if they are “useful for the nation” such as demonstrations or transport. This was communicated by Olivier Véran, Minister of Health, at the exit of the Élysée Defense Council on Sunday, March 8 in the afternoon.

This measure would fully affect the holding of medium-format concerts, especially international ones, and all music festivals, which in a week have seen how the concentration limit of people has gone from 5,000 to 1,000 people.

Italy, which has quarantined 17 million people in the north of the transalpine country, has cancelled all events and concerts, festivals and opera palaces have postponed their programming.